Top Ten Supplements For Longevity
Supplements for longevity are a complex topic, and individual needs can vary greatly. While experts like Peter Attia share their personal choices, it's not a one-size-fits-all recommendation. Suppose you prefer to get your vitamins and minerals from foods, which we recommend you do. In that case, we’ve also included a list of foods that contain the associated vitamin or mineral so that you can eat your way to a longer health span.
Here are some of the supplements frequently mentioned by Dr. Attia and other longevity experts such as Michale Greger, Andrew Weil, Dan Buttner, and Rhonda Patrick.
1. Omega-3s (EPA and DHA):
Omega-3s reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and support cognitive function.
2. Vitamin D3:
Vitamin D3 supports bone health, immune function, and mood regulation. Best vitamin D foods include Salmon, Egg Yolks, Mushrooms, Fortified foods like milk and orange juice, Tuna and Mackerel
3. Magnesium: Magnesium is crucial for muscle and nerve function, as well as blood sugar control.
High-magnesium foods include:
Almonds, peanuts, cashews, Pumpkin seeds, Peanut butter, Beans (black, kidney), Cooked Potatoes with the skin on, brown rice, oatmeal, salmon, beef, chicken, bananas, and raisins.
4. Vitamin B12 and Methylfolate: Important for energy production, nervous system function, and reducing the risk of birth defects.
Foods containing higher Vitamin b12 and Mehylfolate include dark-green leafy vegetables, brown rice, poultry, meat, fish, and tofu.
5. Vitamin K2
Works synergistically with Vitamin D3 for bone health and may also benefit cardiovascular health.
Healthline provides a comprehensive list of foods containing Vitamin K2 here.
6. Ashwagandha: Adaptogenic herb with potential benefits for stress reduction, sleep improvement, and immune function.
In some parts of the world, people eat ashwagandha shoots, seeds, and fruit.
7. Glycine: Promotes sleep quality, supports detoxification, and may have anti-inflammatory properties.
Red meat, seeds, turkey, chicken, pork, peanuts and salmon.
8. Creatine: Supports muscle health, exercise performance, and cognitive function.
9. Probiotics: May improve gut health, digestion, and immune function.
Some foods that naturally contain probiotics include Yogurt, Kefir Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, Miso, and tamari.
10. NMN and Resveratrol: These are precursors to NAD+, a molecule involved in cellular energy production, and are being actively researched for their potential longevity benefits.
Individual needs and optimal dosages for each supplement can vary significantly. Ultimately, the key to longevity is a holistic approach that focuses on overall health and well-being.